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​​Are you an ATHLETE, ARTIST, MUSICIAN, SPORTS COACH or someone who would like to be mentally stronger and you would like to learn more about mental training?


The best athletes and managers in the world have a lot in common. They are physically and mentally fit, striving to be better every day, everything they do, they do with focus, intention and discipline. They are optimists, have positive attitude, are not afraid of failing, on the contrary, they consider mistakes and failures, as a part of the game and the only way forward, which makes them resilient and successful in the end.

They are not steered by the stream, they are steering the stream. Carefully listening, learning from others, however, playing their own game. Why not to learn from the best?

The only difference is the environment where they act. In addition, both business and sports are complementary and have great potential to learn from each other.



  • build up and keep up your confidence level

  • maintain your motivation

  • manage your performance anxiety and manage stress by effectively dealing with thoughts and emotions, strengthen your focus and concentration under pressure

  • effectively deal with conflicts, which is an inevitable part of our lives.

  • develop your own mental toolkit - techniques and strategies to train your mental muscle like visualization, self-talk, enter the state of flow - your ideal performance and use winning pose to bring your  A game when most needed.

  • implement new positive habits into your life and you will effectively utilize your energy

  • deal with set backs and come out of them stronger


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